

Wanders South Australian Desert Coast,Revelling In Its Many Moods.


sa_rips (instagram)


Rich’s work captivates me in a way no other photographers work ever has: it transports me to a place devoid of familiarity and time, making me reimagine everything I know and love about the ocean. The mystery he captures of the sea and his South Australian home is nothing short of awe-inspiring, and for that I find myself truly in love with his art.

Morgan Maasson - The Master of photography & film making

“@sa_rips….sick photos. Love your work! kelly”

Kelly Slater - Surfer - 11 Time World Champion

Rich’s work has a strange effect on me in that I find it beautiful and poetic, but also frightening and humbling at the same time. For every picture I love that is of a beautiful peak expressing its rare perfection, theres another shot of a moment that I would dread to be near.

Brandon Boyd - Lead Vocalist of the rock band Incubus

Printing Process